The game's main game mode is flying using a space ship. Players can dock at the station, where they are safe and can use station services such as repairs, refitting, and regional markets. All space battles occur in real time with sub-light speeds from around 100 m / s to more than 8000 m / s, depending on the size and arrangement of the ship. While players can manually control their ships as in space combat simulators such as Wing Commander or X-Wing after the release of Rhea's expansion on December 9, 2014, most choose to give commands such as Orbit, Approach or Align to their flight computers, which carry out those best to obey. The aim of the weapon, however, cannot be done manually; instead, players lock opponents and order their weapons to shoot, and the results are determined through calculations based on factors such as distance, speed, weapon tracking, and randomness level.
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Eve Online Travel and Combat ( |
Travel across distances longer than hundreds of kilometers is carried out mainly with Warp Drive ships, which are owned by every ship and runaway pod, although players can "slow the ship" across distances, traveling without a warp drive. The player issues an order to curve to an object, which must be greater than 150 km away and in the same star system, and, after alignment maneuvers, their ship will enter the warp. After between a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the speed of the ship and the distance of the warp, the ship will arrive at the chosen destination. The ship warp drive can be temporarily disabled by warp intruder weapons, which are an important part of the battle to prevent the target from escaping.
For most ships, travel between star systems is only possible using a structure called "Stargates". Each category is connected to a partner category in another system; most star systems have more than two ranks, forming a network through which players play. While traveling in a star system by warp drive is relatively free-form, the need to use stargate to travel between systems makes them the focal point for battle.
Capital ships can travel either by stargate or by using a jump drive, which requires other ships to make a "Cynosural Field" which can then be passed by capital ships. Although this allows a capital ship to travel instantly, it needs a trusted second party (or alternative account) to make a flare. Jump drives also consume fuel (in contrast to stargate, which requires nothing), drain the capacitor's ship, leave it powerless until it is refilled, and cause a "fatigue jump", which prevents pilots from jumping for longer and longer periods. time after each successive jump. Titans are also able to allow other ships to travel instantaneously by making temporary bridges to the cynosural plane. Black Ops warships can build similar but undetected bridges that can only carry certain types of stealth ships such as Stealth Bombers.
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Eve Online Travel and Combat ( |
Companies run by players who claim sovereignty over two zero-second systems within reach of each other can also set a stepping bridge in the possession of starbase (POS) players in lunar orbit. Jump bridges allow instant trips to other system jump bridges, at the cost of using fuel (requiring supplies by the owner's company) to scale the mass of ships using it. This also causes the jumping fatigue accumulation. Today's players mostly use newer Jump Bridge structures in their own sovereign space to serve the same purpose (because this structure was created in the process of removing aging POSs and their codes). However, unlike the old POS Jump Bridges, this newer Jump Bridge can allow friendly and even neutral players to use Jump Bridge for a fee, although player alliances are rarely known to allow neutral people to use their Jump Bridges, even at a cost. Also, this structure does not need to be connected to the POS. Instead, this structure can be anywhere in a system, although the player wants to keep this Jump Bridge close to the Upwell Structure, for easy comfort and defense because the Jump Bridge can be placed within the range of the Upwell Structure's defense range.